Vision and Mission

Vision: We aim to provide support, encouragement and care to needy students and deprived people in the society with special focus on rural communities and aim to bring in change in their lives in order to inspire them to help others among rural community.

Mission:We are focused to support the needy rural communities with adequate support, encouragement and care with innovative service initiatives to alleviate their lives economically, social and culturally and inspire beneficiary and community around to help other needy people.

In order to realize our vision, we have adopted the following mission objectives:

  • To assist rural educational institutes in providing infrastructural facilities for encouraging students and teachers for the benefit of rural students.
  • To identify poor and merit students of in rural areas and providing them financial assistance for continuation of higher education.
  • To encourage rural government teachers and others by instituting best teacher award on the occasion of merit students.
  • To conduct scientific seminars in rural Government School and colleges to inspire young students for scientific temperament.
  • To conduct career guidance lecturers and interactions with reputed speakers for encouragement of rural student and for their better career.
  • To Services to Mankind Health, Education, Social Services, Agriculture.
  • To introduce home-based income generation activities that create an awareness of the vane of childcares small families, and good nutrition. organize all religious, devotional, cultural & traditional activities in the Trust.
  • To provide free education to poor children, to help them with building their future and to provide free supply of note books in backward areas and to provide free financial assistance to the poor and clever students.
  • To accept donations from people, organizations etc. for the trust purpose.
  • To assist through any other services which may be considered expedient for the betterment and uplift of people or society in general.